Wyoming Senate Passes Responsible Spending Package To Address Revenue Shortfall

Senate Passes Responsible Spending Package To Address Revenue Shortfall
"This fiscally responsible legislation puts Wyoming on a stable guide path to meet the needs of families, veterans and seniors in a time of diminished revenues."
Cheyenne, Wyo. On Friday, the Wyoming Senate passed SF0001, the supplementary budget bill sponsored by the Joint Appropriations Committee. The Senate's amended spending bill decreases the state of Wyoming's operations budget to address the state's falling revenues and provides a sustainable, responsible path forward.  
In response to the legislation's passage, Senate leaders released the following comments:
"My colleagues and I are pleased with the budget bill that came out of the Senate," said Senate Joint Appropriations Committee Chairman Bruce Burns. "This bill reflects tremendous work on the part of JAC and thoughtfully shepherds forward a responsible solution to Wyoming's revenue shortfall. I want to commend all the members of appropriations for getting this bill to the floor and for responding so thoughtfully to the amendment process. We are looking forward to the conference committee and to meeting our commitment to the people of Wyoming by delivering a balanced budget before the end of this general session."
"I am proud of the work the Senate did on this bill," said Senate President Eli Bebout. "The Senate passed a budget bill that reflects responsible, conservative principles. Republicans in the legislature are working for Wyoming to keep government limited, to return local control to Wyoming communities and to be responsive to the needs of Wyoming families."
"Members of the Senate debated thoughtfully and passionately about this bill," said Majority Floor Leader Drew Perkins. "We made tough choices and passed a bill that came in below the Joint Appropriations Committee's original cost. This fiscally responsible legislation reflects our conservative values and puts Wyoming on a stable guide path to meet the needs of Wyoming families, veterans and seniors in a time of diminished revenue."